

  • Connects to any make/model GC
  • Add up to four detectors to any GC
  • Heated transfer line for connection to host GC
  • Small footprint for your lab bench

The Model 110 Standalone Detector chassis can mount any combination of up to four detectors that would fit on the SRI 8610C or 310 GC standard mainframes. The Model 110 is equipped with a heated transfer line for connection to the host GC, which may be an SRI GC or a GC from HP, Varian, PE, or any other manufacturer.

Because the transfer line connects to the host GC through a very small hole in the host GC's oven, it is easy to add additional detectors to any model, even older, out of production units. Inert fused silica-lined stainless steel tubing is used exclusively.

The Model 110 is 8.5"( 21.6 cm ) wide, 14.5" ( 36.8cm ) deep and 13.5" ( 34.3cm ) high. It weighs from 10-30 lbs (4-15kg) depending on detectors installed. If the detectors installed require support gases such as hydrogen or air, the Model 110 is then equipped with electronic pressure regulators ( EPC ) for each gas. An optional air compressor may be installed to provide air for the FID, DELCD, and/or FPD detectors. The PeakSimple data system, either single or 4 channel types, may be installed for PC-based data acquisition, or the standard analog signal cable output ( 0-5 volts ) may be connected to your existing data system, integrator, or strip chart recorder.

Model 110 chassis standard equipment: heated transfer line, "at a glance display" of all detector temperatures, voltages, and pressures, and analog signal cable for connection to data system. To completely configure the Model 110, users will need to specify a detector or combination of detectors to be mounted on the chassis.


This is the detector chassis only. Appropriate detectors must be added.



Fourteen detector combinations are available for mounting on the SRI Models 8610C and 310 GC mainframes. You can also upgrade your current GC or add more analytical power to your lab with these detectors as Stand-Alone units on the Model 110 detector chassis.

Up to six detectors may be mounted along the right hand side of the 8610C GC's column oven and used simultaneously (although some rare combinations of detectors may conflict because of space limitations). Each detector is equipped with a thermostatted heater block for temperature stability, electronic pressure controlled (EPC) support gases, such as hydrogen and air for the FID, and internal amplifier electronics. Select your detector type(s) based on your particular measurement application, detection limit required, matrix interferences, and/or regulatory guidelines.

All detectors require factory installation.


Up to five detectors can be mounted on the 8610c gc mainframe, and up to four detectors can be mounted on the 310 gc mainframe.

Need more detector capacity? Need to add a new detector to your existing gc, regardless of make or model? Consider the model 110 stand-alone detector chassis, which can be connected to any make or model gc.

More Information
Selections Detector Options
Volts 120V
Selections Detector Options
Volts 120V
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