#SRI-8610-3070-1, #SRI-8610-3070-2


  • TCD detector
  • 10-port gas sampling valve and valve oven
  • One meter Hayesep-D packed column
  • 30M. 0.53mm MXT-1 capillary column
  • 1-channel Peaksimple data system

The BTU Gas Analyzer GC is pre-plumbed and ready to resolve N2, Methane, CO2, Ethane, H2O, Propane, iso- and normal Butanes and Pentanes, and C6 plus backflush.

Unlike complicated and timing-critical gas analysis configurations with 3-4 columns and 3-4 valves, the SRI BTU Gas Analyzer uses just a single 10 port gas sampling valve and two columns, and is very tolerant of valve timing variations or operator adjustments.

The 30M. methyl silicone capillary column is located in the GC's heated valve oven at a constant 40°C temperature, while a stainless steel Hayesep D packed column is temperature programmed from 30°C to 180°C using the SRI resistively-heated "Virtual Oven" concept.

The main benefit of the BTU Gas Analyzer system is simplicity, low cost, and low power consumption (300 watts). The BTU Analyzer can also determine the water content of the gas sample. This GC can be operated from a vehicle cigarette or power outlet using a power inverter and laptop computer.

The BTU Gas Analyzer can be configured with the TCD detector only, for detection limits in the 200-500 ppm range. Other detectors can be added for additional sensitivity.

Options & Upgrades: Additional detectors with 4 channel serial or 6 channel USB PeakSimple data system, FID-Methanizer, Split/Splitless and PTV injectors, additional valves, additional columns



SRI full-featured Portable GCs are ideal for use in the field, as well, and they are equally comfortable on a lab bench. You can customize a GC system to meet your specific analytical needs with a wide range of injectors, detectors, and accessory options.

Due to the popularity of some configurations, a number of pre-configured GCs are offered satisfying a wide range of common analytical applications. In some cases, the preconfigured GCs are less expensive than the identical hardware assembled "a la carte." Each of the preconfigured GCs may be further customized (except the educational GC systems).

Check out these popular pre-configured systems below, or configure your own system to meet your needs.

Hot tips:

Up to five injectors can be mounted on the 8610c GC Mainframe. Due to limited space, only a single injector can be mounted on the 310 GC Mainframe.

In order to add a second injector, of any type, additional cold on-column injector hardware must be added first. This hardware is then upgraded to the appropriate injector type.

Preconfigured gcs take advantage of batch manufacturing, offering a lot of gc power at very reasonable pricing.

More Information
Selections Preconfigured systems
Volts 110V
Selections Preconfigured systems
Volts 110V
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