- Detects Reducing Gases like Hydrogen and CO down to the ppb levels
- Heated UV detection cell with Absorbance Output
- User replaceable Reaction Tubes
The SRI Reduction Gas Detector is sensitive to volatile reducing compounds down to the ppb level, and is often used to detect atmospheric carbon monoxide and hydrogen. When compared to the FID detector, the RGD is ten times more sensitive to unsaturated hydrocarbons, and virtually unresponsive to saturated hydrocarbons. This combination of sensitivity and selectivity allows the analysis of atmospheric pollutants such as ethylene, benzene, carbonyl sulfide, phosphine, and methanol.
The SRI RGD uses a mercuric oxide reaction tube and a mercury lamp in a heated UV detector cell. When a reducing gas elutes from the column into the hot reaction tube, it reacts with the mercuric oxide to form mercury vapor. As it flows through the detector cell, the gaseous mercury absorbs the UV light from the mercury lamp inside the cell. The change in transmittance is converted by the data system into an absorbance output, which is proportional to the amount of reducing gas. A carbon filter at the UV detector cell outlet traps the condensed mercury vapor for safe disposal.
High concentrations of chlorinated and aromatic compounds can easily contaminate the mercuric oxide bed, resulting in the need for replacement. Reaction tubes are easily replaceable, and blank reaction tubes can be economically packed by the user.
Fourteen detector combinations are available for mounting on the SRI Models 8610C and 310 GC mainframes.You can also upgrade your current GC or add more analytical power to your lab with these detectors as Stand-Alone units on the Model 110 detector chassis.
Up to six detectors may be mounted along the right hand side of the 8610C GC's column oven and used simultaneously (although some rare combinations of detectors may conflict because of space limitations). Each detector is equipped with a thermostatted heater block for temperature stability, electronic pressure controlled (EPC) support gases, such as hydrogen and air for the FID, and internal amplifier electronics. Select your detector type(s) based on your particular measurement application, detection limit required, matrix interferences, and/or regulatory guidelines.
All detectors require factory installation.
Up to six detectors can be mounted on the 8610c gc mainframe.
Selections | Detector Options |
Details | RGD DETECTOR |
Selections | Detector Options |